Dates to Remember
Nov 2: Community event - "Let's Make a Nature Book"
Nov 28 & 29: Thanksgiving (CLOSED)
Dec 13: Christmas program
Dec 23-27: Christmas break (CLOSED)
Jan 1: New Year's Day (CLOSED)

We go outside every day that weather allows and the temperature is between 32-95 degrees. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.
For your child's cubby, bring 2 LABELED changes of weather-appropriate clothing.
Bring a water bottle labeled with your child's name.
Closed-toed shoes are needed for outdoor play.

Inclement Weather Policy
You will be notified of closings through our Facebook page and the Procare app. The decision to close for the day or close early is based upon road safety, taking into consideration our teachers and families. CFCC does not follow Wilson County Schools' schedule.

If you've been enrolled with us for one year, you are eligible for a free vacation week. Vacation request forms are in the office.
Please call by 10 a.m. if your child will be coming in late to make sure lunch is provided, otherwise s/he will be marked absent.
Borrow or donate a book at the CFCC Littles' Library!
Do not leave valuables (purse, wallet, children, etc.) in your car unattended.

Hickory Grove's Service:
In-Person and YouTube!
Our in-person service meets in the sanctuary Sunday. If you wish to view live online, use this link. The service begins at 10:15. Our pastors are available to you. Please reach out if you have any needs. Email prayer@hickorygrovepca.org or call 615-754-8337.

We're Hiring
We are looking for responsible, dedicated, caring people to fill full time and part time teacher positions! Requirements include written references, fingerprinting, and a high school diploma or GED. If you would love to work with children in a positive environment, please contact us at 615-754-9244 or fill out the application and drop it at the office.

Kids' Praise Songs
Check out Kids' Songs for some fun and crazy tunes specially geared for your kiddos! Singer/songwriter Rick Altizer combines energy and Bible truths in 11 songs that your kids will love including, "Chicken Goober," "Grandma's Fake Teeth," and "Jonah Was Fish Bait." Download and share the playlist for FREE!