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The purpose of Covenant Family Child Care (CFCC) is to provide the local community as well as the church with a
Christian child care center. The program runs on a non-profit basis and all funds received by CFCC are invested into the
program. It is the philosophy of CFCC that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring and
discovery. Children are creative and receptive, the staff strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in the children
who attend. CFCC provides an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual growth
and development of the child as a whole. Planned within the framework of philosophy and purpose, Covenant Family
Child Care’s curriculum includes sharing and conversation time; stories, songs and finger plays; creative art activities and crafts; games and large and small muscle activities; science and nature activities; exposure to shapes, colors, numbers and letters; and celebration of birthdays and holidays.

Covenant Family Child Care is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Human Services and complies with all of the
standards put forth by that Department. CFCC’s operation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and a paid
Director. CFCC advertises in the public media in order to make openings known to all. Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or religion. Handicapped children will be accepted on the approval of the instructor, Director, and Board.

CFCC is open from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Children will not be accepted until 7:00 AM. There is a late fee
of $1.00 per minute after 6:00 PM. This is due upon picking up your child and to be paid directly to the office. CFCC must be contacted if children will arrive after 10am.

Weekly tuition is auto drafted. Tuition is due whether or not the child attends. In the event that payment is returned
due to insufficient funds, there will be a $30.00 fee. If a child is dropped due to non-payment, that space will be
considered open and offered to the next child on the waiting list.


Infants $265 per week
Toddlers $250 per week
Two’s $240 per week
Three’s $230 per week
Four’s $220 per week
Enrollment fee $50 per child.
Yearly supply fee $50 per child, $75 two-child family.
$10 multi-child discount.

Parents must accompany their child into CFCC, so they can sign them in and out. Please do not send an older child to
drop off or pick up your child. At morning drop off please note on the sign in sheet if someone other than the parent is
going to pick up. If any person is not listed on the Transportation Plan they will not be allowed to pick up the child. If a
person on the Transportation Plan is unknown to the staff, that person will be asked for ID. Your child will not be
released without written authorization.

Past due accounts, who are no longer enrolled, are sent to independent agencies for collection and then to court if
necessary. Parents are responsible for all costs of collections including late fees, attorneys’ fees and court costs. When
withdrawing your child from the center, please contact the Director for any amounts owed on your accounts.

Our program will not keep actively sick children and it is the parent’s responsibility to make alternative arrangements in
the event of illness. A child must be picked up immediately after the parent is contacted.
A Return to Group Care form completed by a doctor will be required in order to return to school when: A child has had a
diagnosed communicable disease (strep, pink eye, impetigo, etc.) or a child has undergone surgery or has been
hospitalized. We do not require statements when a child has had chicken pox, but will do a visual check to make sure the pox are dry. If your child is sick over the weekend or in the evening, please call so we know that the absence is due to illness.
Fever: A child can remain in group care with a temperature less than 100.4 degrees, if the child is without other
symptoms. We will notify the parent and the child may remain unless the temperature reaches 100.4 or symptoms
surface, at which time the child must be picked up from CFCC. Children cannot return until they have been fever free 24
hours. If RSV is present in the center and your child is tested at the doctor’s office, then your child cannot return until the test results are in. Children must be fever free, without fever reducing medication, for a period of 24 hours before they are allowed to return.
Vomiting: Parents will be contacted to pick up their child after one episode of vomiting. Children cannot return until 24
hours after the last episode.
Diarrhea: Parents will be contacted to pick up their child after three episodes of diarrhea. Children cannot return until 24 hours after the last episode. If diarrhea is due to medication or allergies, a doctor must specify this in writing, before the child can return.
Ear Infection: A child can return the next day if feeling well enough to participate in group activities and fever is less than 101 degrees. Verification of a doctor visit is required.
Rashes: Parents will be contacted to pick up their child if a rash with unknown cause develops. Any rash other than
diaper rash must have a doctor’s note stating the rash is not contagious.
Colds: (i.e. constant runny nose, persistent cough, green/yellow mucus from nose). It is difficult for staff or parents to
differentiate between a “cold” and a more serious condition. If the child exhibits 2 or more of the above symptoms, we will ask the parent to remove the child until the child is symptom free, fully participate in group activities or has a doctor note stating illness is a cold.
Thrush (Yeast Infection): Thrush is typically milk patches that cannot be wiped clean, usually on cheeks and roof of the mouth. We require that parent take the child to the doctor for verification and treatment. The child must be on prescription medication in order to return to the Center.
Scabies/Lice: Parents will be contacted to pick up their child if lice/nits are detected. Children cannot return for 24 hours and lice/nit free.
Strep: Children must be treated for 24 hours before returning, and fever free.

Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Children may not return to school without a doctor’s note.
Children with any communicable illness may not return to school without a doctor’s note.
This Center does not dispense fever reducing medicine. All medications must be in original container and signed in,
according to directions or doctors written directions. An undated shot record is required in the office files.

It is important to update all emergency information whenever there are changes. If work or home numbers change we
must be notified immediately. In the event of an emergency, if the persons listed cannot be reached, the staff has
permission to initiate emergency treatment for your child at the nearest hospital.

Acceptable behavior is encouraged by giving positive verbal rewards. This reinforces a child’s good feeling about his/her
behavior and serves as an example to the other children to act in such a way as to receive this praise. Asking a child to
stop and think about his/her unpleasant behavior enables that child to work at self-control. Removal from the group for a period of time-out is the only tactic used for a child who continually demonstrates unacceptable behavior. This time-out is not a punishment, but rather a time to allow the child to calm down, remember what behavior the teacher is asking for and decide for him/herself when he/she is ready to rejoin the group with appropriate behavior. Corporal punishment is not considered to be an acceptable method of dealing with young children’s behavior. Children will not be physically disciplined in any way. If a child enrolled displays unruly or unsafe behavior (i.e. biting, hitting, or similarly aggressive actions, inappropriate exposing of body parts) and this behavior is deemed by the Director to interfere with the child’s safety or the safety of other children, the parent will be notified immediately. The child must be picked up from the center and cannot return for a period of three (3) days. If the behavior continues when the child returns, the parent may be asked to withdraw the child from CFCC.

Morning snacks, lunch and afternoon snacks are served by CFCC. You will need to provide food items if your child
doesn’t eat from our menu.

Children will have the opportunity to play outside as long as the weather permits. Please dress your child accordingly. All
children are expected to go outside. If they are too sick to go outside, then they are too sick to be at CFCC. We will go
outside with temperatures between 32 and 95 degrees.

The state requires that there be a quiet time each day for the children who want to nap. They are required to be in a
reclined position for one hour.

The parents must provide formula/breast milk, baby food, diapers and baby wipes. If your child runs out of any items
needed, you will be notified. All children should have a blanket, crib sheet, an extra change of clothes. Please label


A one week notice or one week’s fees are required when the parent wishes to withdraw the child from CFCC.

Families who have had children enrolled for one year or more are eligible for one week of vacation. These vacation days
cannot be carried over from one year to the next. Children do not attend during their vacation week.


Children need to be in closed-toed and skid resistant shoes. Shoes with heels (boots or dress shoes) are not conducive
to play on the terrain of our playground or for going up and down stairs. Tennis shoes are recommended. CFCC is not
responsible for the loss of personal items. Toys brought from home are prohibited unless the class is having share day.
Even on these days please be sure to label everything.

We do not teach theology, but our teachers do read Bible stories and have the children involved in Christian songs; prayer and are taught about Jesus. Vacation Bible School and prayer are an active part of our program.


The Child Care Center will be closed:
-New Year’s Day
-Good Friday
-Memorial Day
-July 4th
-Labor Day
-Thanksgiving Day and the day Friday after Thanksgiving
-Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (The Center is closed Christmas Week)

If the holiday falls on a Saturday, it is observed on Friday. If the holiday falls on Sunday, it is observed on Monday.

Isolation Procedures for Positive Covid-19 Case:
● Symptomatic cases
● Students are required to isolate for a minimum of 5 days after onset of symptoms or test date.
● Day 0 – symptom onset or test date
● Day 6 – return to CFCC - fever free (without fever-reducing medication) and symptom improvement for 24 hours.

Asymptomatic cases
● Students are required to isolate for a minimum of 5 days after a positive test date.
● Day 0 – test date
● Day 6 – return to CFCC
Household or Non-Household Positive Case Exposure:
● monitor for symptoms
● If your child is experiencing any COVID symptoms, they need to be isolated and tested.

A household contact is an individual who shares any living spaces with a positive case. Including bedrooms, bathrooms,
living rooms, kitchens, etc.
Families will continue to be notified of exposure to positive cases of COVID-19 and can make the choice they deem best
for their family regarding attendance. Families that choose to stay home due to a CFCC positive case will not be charged
up to 5 days.


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